EU Health Summit

EU Health Summit 2025: Reshaping health for a stronger Europe event

EU Health Summit 2025: Reshaping health for a stronger Europe

Healthy populations are essential for Europe to achieve its vision of a secure, competitive, and prosperous continent. Yet, European health systems are navigating a perfect storm: ageing populatio...
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EU Health Summit 2020: Time for Action event

EU Health Summit 2020: Time for Action

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of cooperation between all sectors and actors to ensure our healthcare systems can function to their best ability in saving human lives. In 2018, 3...
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EU Health Summit 2018 event

EU Health Summit 2018

A shared vision for the future of health We put together a set of recommendations that outline our vision for health in Europe and presented them at the first EU Health Summit in November 2018. Our...
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